Q1. What is SampyTracker?
SampyTracker is a software and platform for brands and marketing companies that enhance product demos and sampling effectiveness, offering a higher return on brand activations.
Q2. What makes SampyTracker the first-of-its-kind sampling resource?
SampyTracker integrates best-in-class software with on-ground product sampling expertise to help manage brand activations and improve results and effectiveness significantly, which makes it a first-of-its-kind product sampling system.
Q3. How does SampyTracker enhance sampling effectiveness?
SampyTracker enhances sampling effectiveness through an online platform that helps set up and monitor the event, record consumer feedback via product reviews and ratings, and measure and report brand promoters’ and stores’ performance. It helps learn and enhance performance on the go with actionable insights and a strategic focus.
Q4. How SampyTracker boosts revenue?
By providing instant consumer feedback, market insights, and an opportunity to pivot, SampyTracker maximizes return on your brand activations. You can strategically target high-impact activations, key stores, and regions, optimizing activation effectiveness and boosting Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI).
Q5. What makes SampyTracker unique?
Sampy Tracker is the first to offer integrated brand activation services including taste trials with product demos/sampling and live monitoring, email registration, consumer feedback, and performance recording and reporting. It’s a unique and comprehensive sampling resource.
Q6. What are the key features of SampyTracker?
The Key Highlights of SampyTracker are:
Q7. What are some benefits of SampyTracker?
Q8. Does SampyTracker manage product sampling and in-store demos?
SampyTracker is an online platform and an Opal Marketing vertical/value-added service. Opal manages on-ground activations and uses the SampyTracker platform to set up, monitor, measure, and increase the effectiveness of sampling efforts, giving higher returns and deeper insights.
Q9. We do product sampling internally. Can we use the SampyTracker platform to monitor, measure, and report our in-store demos?
Yes, you can use SampyTracker to set up your sampling events online to monitor progress live, get consumer feedback, product reviews, ratings, and emails, and measure its outcome.
Q10. What is Opal? How is SampyTracker connected to it?
Opal is a marketing and advertising company. It builds brands with a 360-degree approach to market. Opal has expertise in managing on-ground activations, including in-store demos and product sampling. It uses SampyTracker technology to manage and raise the effectiveness and return of on-ground activations for CPG brands.